NonStop RPM Wizard - REV QA Training |
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This section provides RPM training exercises for testing and
educational purposes. The RPM Wizard includes QA
commands that allow you
to create different CPU, IPU, and Process usage scenarios. These scenarios allow
to understand how RPM detects, displays, and alerts you to real-time scenarios
such as the one shown below.
Figure D - Above shows how the RPM REV QA exercise causes RPM to detect, display, and alert about IPU utilization.
RPM shows how the Rpm Wizard QA REV scenario causes processes to have balanced IPU load
across all the IPUs
in CPU 3.
In this example IPUs in CPU 3 become increasing busy, with IPU busy evenly
distributed across all IPUs.
Thus, RPM shows \ROME Cpu 3 becoming progressively busy from processes: $IQ0,
$IQ1, $IQ2, $IQ3, $IQ4, $IQ5
each of which has BIND affinity. Each process is bound to the
IPU number that matches the last character of its
process name, eg $IQ0 is bound to IPU 0, $IQ1 is bound to IPU 1, and so on.
To setup this QA test, or training exercise, run RPM Wizard as shown below.
RPM Wizard QA scenarios run at
priority 1 so do not interfere with apps, compiles, or other operations on
NonStop servers.
== HPE RPMWIZ - RPM Wizard - T0877V01.AAH (21SEP2018) http://www.NonstopRPM.com
== RPMWIZ - RPM wizard is used to configure, install, and update RPM files.
== To install RPM for the first time, enter CONFIG, then SAVE, then INSTALL.
== To update an existing RPM with new object files, enter USE, then INSTALL.
== * CONFIG/USE - Creates/Uses RPM device configuration files. If you choose
== CONFIG the wizard interviews you and based your answers creates TTY,
== VT100, T6530 device config files for RPM, RPMVT, and RPM65 objects.
== If you choose USE the wizard uses your existing configuration files.
== * INSTALL - For new install enter CONFIG and SAVE commands for each device
== type you'll use with RPM. To update RPM objects only, enter USE to reuse
== existing RPM configuration. Then to install/update RPM on $SYSTEM.SYSTEM
== enter the INSTALL command. Once RPM is installed you can enter CONFIG and
== SAVE commands to create new configuration files.
== NOTES: Defaults are bracketed. For example: 10, 20, [100]? (100 is default)
== CTL-Y escapes a prompt, and continues to next-level in RPMWIZ.
To start a training scenario, enter QA as shown below:
-- Specify RPM QA Driver ?
REV - The REV driver makes IPUs
increasingly busy in 10% busy increments of
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60%. Each IPU 10% busy step
is synchronized with
the default 10 second RPM sample interval. This
option causes each 10
second sample to be: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%
busy. Thus each IPU
busy=time is: 10%=hh:mm:10, 20%=hh:mm:20,
30%=hh:mm:30, 40%=hh:mm:40,
50%=hh:mm:50, 60%=hh:mm:00 (unless IPUs are
otherwise busy).
RIP - The RIP driver RIPPLEs thru each IPU stepping up IPU busy by 10% for
each 10 second interval. The RIP driver makes IPU
busy RIPPLE through
the number of IPUs you specify below. On the
first 10 second sample
IPU 0 will be 10% busy, then on the second 10
second sample,
IPU 1 will be 20% busy, then on the third 10
second sample,
IPU 2 will be 30% busy, etc (unless IPUs are
otherwise busy).
SAW - The SAW driver starts by making IPU 0 10% busy, then IPU 1 20% busy,
then IPU 2 30% busy, and so on. The net effect is
a progressive
multi-level SAW-tooth that cycles (unless IPUs
are otherwise busy).
Enter RPM QA Driver: REV | RIP | [SAW] :
-- Specify CPU number ?
The CPU number specifies which CPU the QA test above should utilize.
RPM QA tests always run at priority 1. Since they run at priority 1
they cannot impact any other running processes in the specified CPU
Typically for RPM QA/DEMO purposes, the selected CPU number should be a
processor that is not heavily utilized.
Enter CPU number 0..15 [3] : 3
-- Specify IPU count ?
The IPU count specifies the number of IPUs to utilize in the QA test
Typically the count is the number of IPUs present in the specified CPU
Enter IPU count 1..8 [6] : 6
-- Specify RPM QA Test Program file name ?
The QA test program is the program used for the RPM QA test. The default
test program is called X6CORE which is a copy of $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.SEEVIEW.
This is on all NonStop systems since it is safe and secure. This program
will be automatically copied if you specify a simple name up to 8
long, such as X86CORE. This allows you to indicate a different name. If
don't want to use another program name, press Enter below to use the
program file name.
Enter RPM QA Object file name [X6CORE] :
----------------------------------- RPM QA ----------------------------------
RPM Test = REV
RPM Cpu# = 3
RPM Ipus = 6
Run IQ0
Run IQ1
Run IQ2
Run IQ3
Run IQ4
Run IQ5
ipucom -pname $IQ0 -cpu 3 0
In processor 3 primary process $iq0 has been set on IPU 0
ipucom -pname $IQ1 -cpu 3 1
In processor 3 primary process $iq1 has been set on IPU 1
ipucom -pname $IQ2 -cpu 3 2
In processor 3 primary process $iq2 has been set on IPU 2
ipucom -pname $IQ3 -cpu 3 3
In processor 3 primary process $iq3 has been set on IPU 3
ipucom -pname $IQ4 -cpu 3 4
In processor 3 primary process $iq4 has been set on IPU 4
ipucom -pname $IQ5 -cpu 3 5
In processor 3 primary process $iq5 has been set on IPU 5
Taskid Cpu,Pin Name CachePg Timeout
Seeview - T6965L01 - (15FEB15)
---------- ------- ------ -------- ------- ------------------------------
TACL ~ 3,190 $X7SR 2/16
IQ0 3,81 $IQ0
0/16 60,15 $GUEST.DRIVE.X6CORE
IQ1 3,111 $IQ1
0/16 60,15 $GUEST.DRIVE.X6CORE
IQ2 3,231 $IQ2
0/16 60,15 $GUEST.DRIVE.X6CORE
IQ3 3,226 $IQ3
0/16 60,15 $GUEST.DRIVE.X6CORE
IQ4 3,11 $IQ4
0/16 60,15 $GUEST.DRIVE.X6CORE
IQ5 3,93 $IQ5
0/16 60,15 $GUEST.DRIVE.X6CORE
IPUCOM stopped
* 3,124 $X7S5
0.02 $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.Seeview
Tasks: 24/128 Cache: 364/2084
Symbols: 33/256 Procs: 43/512 Pooluse: 0/24 (0/0)
Sysmsgs: 87 Umsgs: 137 Started: 9/5/18 3:24 PM
User : GUEST.USER 128,1 Current: 9/5/18 3:24 PM
Once you have setup the RPM Wizard
REV test shown above, allow REV QA to continue to run,
then from a separate TACL window, RUN RPM65 or RPMVT and enter the command
-- Your RPM display should be similar to Figure D above.
Select the QA RIP link below
for the next RPM Wizard QA exercise:
RPM Wizard - QA SAW << 1st exercise
RPM Wizard - QA RIP <<
2nd exercise
RPM Wizard - QA REV << This
Questions/comments - support
Lastmod: June 4, 2019